Visual Arts 

John F. Kennedy said "You can measure the quality of a civilization, by the quality of its Arts".

The arts are a critical part of discovering who we are. Art is a way of experiencing and communicating the human experience that is integral to the quality of life.

The art department is committed to providing all students with a means for self-expression and an appreciation of art. Through a variety of course offerings, students will also be prepared for careers in art-related fields. Art classes are offered to students with a variety of skills and are adapted for youngsters with special needs.

Program Goals

By the end of grade 12 at Edwin O. Smith High School, students who have taken an art course will:

  • create (imagine, experiment, plan, make, evaluate, refine and present/exhibit)art works that express concepts, ideas and feelings in an art form;
  • respond (select, experience, describe, analyze, interpret and evaluate) with understanding of diverse art works in an art form;
  • understand and use the materials, techniques, forms(structures, styles, genres), language, of an art form;
  • understand the importance of the arts in expressing and illuminating human experiences, beliefs and values:
  • identify representative works and recognize the characteristics of art from different historical periods and cultures;
  • develop sufficient mastery of at least one art form to continue lifelong involvement in that art form not only as responders (audience members), but also as creators;
  • develop sufficient mastery of at least one art form to be able to pursue further study, if they choose, in preparation for a career;
  • seek arts experiences and participate in artistic life of the school and community;
  • understand the connections among the arts, other disciplines and daily life.

Adapted from Connecticut's Common Core of Learning

Contact Information
Scott Chaurette, Department Chairperson Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

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