Art| Advisor: Mrs. G. Govoni
The Art Club provides students a space to create original artwork and explore new ideas alongside their E.O. Smith community. Community projects and school projects are going to be a large aspect of the Art Club.
Asian Student Association | Advisor : Mx. C. Lin
Meetings: Weekly, Tuesdays, 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. in Room 213.
The Asian Student Association (ASA) Club aims to create a space where Asian students and their cultures can be celebrated and appreciated.
Students will be able to share their unique cultures while learning about each other’s cultures and experiences. In doing so, we hope to nurture cultural diversity and understanding in regard to Asian culture at E.O. Smith. During our weekly meetings, ASA members will host and participate in cultural activities including Asian food tasting, movie nights, and show and tell. We will discuss topics that we feel are important, and will collaborate to make the Asian student community feel more welcome and recognized at E.O. Smith.
Best Buddies | Advisors: Ms. T. Lauria & Ms. M. Price
Best Buddies is an international organization whose mission is to enhance the lives of people with developmental disabilities by providing opportunities for one-to-one friendships. Once paired, peer buddies and buddies spend time together both in school and out of school learning about each other. In addition, there are opportunities for students to participate as Associate Members. These members are not paired in one-to-one friendships but still attend all chapter events. The club holds at least one activity per month throughout the year. Members should plan on attending these activities. The E.O. Smith chapter of Best Buddies also participates in several statewide events and offers leadership opportunities for interested individuals. All students are welcome to join.
Bible Club/Prayer Group | Advisor: Mr. O.Rosario
Meetings: Tuesday morning 7:05-7:20 in room 204.
Bible Club is a group based on growing Christian community and fostering support and prayer for one another throughout high school. We are fully student led and a different student shares a short message each week. We then discuss and meditate on what we have learned, how we can grow, and we pray for each other and our community. Everyone is welcome and we strive to listen and encourage, building lasting relationships.
Black Students Union | Advisors: Mr. J. Kelly & Ms. T. Roberts
The purpose of the BSU is to unify black and brown students on campus and allow for a sense of belonging and community within E.O. Smith. The group will meet once a month and go over current global issues that apply to us locally as well as here at EOS. Group trips are a part of the BSU to learn and prepare students for real life situations regarding diversity and race. Join our Canvas page for announcements here: - See Ms. Roberts or Mr. Kelly for details.
Blood Drive | Advisor: Mrs. C. Rowett
The Blood Drive is an annual spring activity, which runs a Red Cross Blood Drive for students, staff, and members of the E.O. Smith community. The blood drives occur in April. Students who wish to participate attend approximately four meetings per year, typically during a lunch period. Levels of participation vary. Members are needed to advertise, recruit, schedule, and run various stations at the drive alongside Red Cross workers. Students are also needed to prepare and serve food to the donors, as well as set up before and clean up after the drive. All students at any grade level are welcome to participate.
Board Games | Advisor: Mr. Z. Knowles
In the Board Game Club we play mostly board games and card games. The games usually range from three to eight players per game. The games usually vary widely in theme and mechanics.
Some yesteryear favorites are Talisman and Twi- light Imperium (2008-12), Hex Hex ,Love Letter, Arcadia Quest, and Cutthroat Caverns (2012- 2016). In 2018-2019 (the last year that we met) we played Pandemic: Rise of Rome, Hex Hex, Love Letter, Chaos in the Old World, Mission Red Planet, Dead of Winter, Masmorra, Eldritch Horror, Royals, Mare Nostrum, Rising Sun, and Lords of Hellas. If there is interest, we could venture into skirmish type tabletop games such as 40K Kill Team. Some games have longer running times, so end times vary slightly.
Book Club | Advisors: Mrs. K. Ryan & Ms. J. Larkin
Our book club is a fun environment for anyone and everyone who loves to read. We read a book per month, usually a Nutmeg nominee, and then meet to informally talk about all things book related. We also have trivia contests and lots of giveaways! Come join us! Dates and meeting times are decided by the group.
Choirs | Advisor: Mrs. A. Hanzlik
THE PANTHERTONES: A Cappella Tenor/Bass Choir
Meetings: Thursday from 2:15-3:00
The Panthertones is an a cappella choral ensemble that focuses primarily on pop, musical theater and contemporary a cappella repertoire. Traditionally, the Panthertones perform at the Fall Choral Concert and the Spring Chamber Choirs Concert
TREBLE CHOIR: A Cappella Soprano/Alto Choir Meetings: Tuesdays from 2:15-3:00
The Treble Choir is a choral ensemble that focuses primarily on pop, musical theater and contemporary a cappella repertoire. Treble Choir performs at the Fall Choral Concert and Spring Chamber Concert.
Meetings: Thursday from 6:30-8:00pm Auditioned Choir 10-12 voice ensemble, focusing on contemporary a cappella literature & performance.
Class Advisors |
Class of 2025 - mr. s. santasiere & ms. s. ouellet
Class of 2026 - mr. k. harlow & ms. l. halle
Class of 2027 - mrs. m. smith & ms. c. crouse
Class of 2028 - mr. l. pastick
Each class’ advisors serve as coordinators for class activities and fundraisers. Meeting dates and times are scheduled as needed.
Coding | Advisor: Dr. C. Granger
Meetings: Thursdays, 2:15-4:00 room 111.
The Coding Club offers programming experience to anyone interested (no background required). Topics include Scratch, HTML, Javascript, Python, App-making, etc.
Comic Book Club | Advisor: TBD
Meetings: Friday from 2:07 - 3:20pm room 136. Are you interested in reading comics or watching movies/ t.v. shows that take place in the MCU or DCU? This is the club for you. During this time, we will either watch a show/ movie and discuss it or discuss an ongoing comic series.
Connecticut Youth Forum | Advisor: Ms. K. Wilson-Holton
Meetings: Rm. 158 on designated days prior and post events.
E.O. Smith students have opportunities to join other CT High School Students in attending 4 signature evening events at the Bushnell in Hartford, CT. Students may be invited to pre- and post-forum conversations, issue-focused discussions connecting students with Forum topics. There are opportunities for students to meet and interview renowned CT Forum panelists prior to each Forum. All students are invited to participate but there is a limited capacity and sign-ups will be first come, first served with a waiting list if necessary. Transportation to and from the Bushnell from E.O. Smith is free. Permission slips are needed to attend events. Check out
Coral Club | Advisor: Mr. J. Swanson
Coral Club meets weekly to learn about corals, coral biology, aquarium keeping and coral aquaculture. Students help to maintain and work in the school's coral propagation systems.
Crew | Advisor: Mr. D. Uriano
Crew (rowing) is one of the oldest sports in the world. It is the ultimate team endeavor in which boats composed of four to eight athletes work together to propel their vessel forward using only their own power. Our team strives to provide a welcoming and enjoyable environment in which participants feel comfortable learning a new skill and working to better their fitness. In the fall season, we are a club sport and practices three times a week at Patriots Park on Coventry Lake.
Crochet & Knit Club | Advisor: Mrs. H. Bunnelll
Meetings: Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30 in Art 2.
Crochet and Knitting Club would teach students how to crochet/knit and provide a space for students to practice, this would also provide a social setting for students to meet others with similar interests. Donated supplies provided; please bring any materials, patterns you have for your work or to share to learn how to crochet/knit.
Cultural Awareness Brigade | Advisor: Dr. l. DeLoreto & Mr. J. Kelly
Meetings take place every other Friday at 2:15 in the LMC.
The Purpose of Cultural Awareness Brigade (CAB) is to unite, advocate for, and support E. O. Smith students who are members of historically under-represented groups, specifically students of color. The goals of the Cultural Awareness Brigade are: 1. Advocacy 2. Create a Space of Support 3. Provide Educational Programming 4. Fellowship and Fundraising for the Organization 5. Advanced student awareness of school-wide leadership and participation opportunities. All students are welcome.
Dance Team | Advisor: Ms. H. Baker
Meeting: Thursday and Friday after school in the cafe from 2:30-3:45.
The Dance Team promotes school spirit and good sportsmanship. The club performs hip hop and pom routines at halftime during some football and basketball home games.
Debate Team | Advisor: Ms. E. Sangree
The EOS Debate Club prides itself on being a place where students at all levels will be given the resources and support to find their voice and use it in a respectful, effective, and productive manner. Using the Connecticut Debate Association guidelines and materials, students will hone their skills in speaking, listening, and interpreting factual data in order to prepare for statewide Parliamentary Debates. Our team members have participated in national and statewide debates both virtual and in-person, hosted a virtual debate with an 8th grade class from MMS, and won the 2021 CT Debate Championship. Our team strives to give voice to students during the global health and political climate.
DECA| Advisors: Mrs. C. Small
Meeting: 1st TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH from 2:15-3:00. ROOM 136
DECA is a national association of students interested in marketing, management, and entrepreneurship. E.O. Smith DECA develops local goals in Civic Consciousness, Leadership Development, Social Intelligence, Vocational Understanding, and attends many state and national conferences. In March, members of DECA compete in specific career areas at the CT State Career Development Conference and the lucky winners attend the International Career Development Conference which will be held approximately at the end of April. DECA is committed to community service and participates in activities to raise money for Covenant Soup Kitchen all year long.
Deliberation & Discourse Project | Advisor: Mrs. A. Nocton
Meetings: Wednesdays after school in room 157 with the UCONN Neag graduate student interns. Additional small group work will occur during the school day both with Ms. Nocton and the UCONN interns. There may be occasional other meetings, as needed, especially when preparing for public forums. Some of these additional meetings may occur during the school day in order to train for larger events.
The E.O. Smith Democratic Discourse and Deliberation Project works in partnership with the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center at UCONN. Our mission statement is: “We are a body of
21st-century learners, listeners, and leaders committed to fostering a more positive school climate through meaningful conversations that promote thoughtful, direct action and empathy in non-partisan ways throughout the E.O. Smith school and the greater community.” The purpose of “DD” is to promote the use of dialogue as a means to build an understanding of multiple perspectives on community issues and to use common ground to build an action plan focused on resolution. Student participants are trained to be dialogue facilitators and will be asked to moderate discussions in a variety of forums. Students from all grades and diverse perspectives are encouraged to join to advance their deliberation skills and work toward building a stronger, more inclusive community.
In addition to public forums, DD also works with Narrative 4 (N4) to promote empathy through storytelling, Participatory Budgeting (PB), Audio Shelfies (book chats), podcasting and the NPR podcast challenge (two years ago the entry Frog Bridge & The Soul of Willimantic received an honorable mention), and a speaker series (link to last year’s line-up). Lastly, this year we hope to partner with CAB to build on the work begun last June with the Lead to Learn Summit and we may be working with Athletics for training for coaches. We have a place for everyone and are flexible with attendance at meetings. Please join us and develop skills that will help you in all facets of life and learning.
Drama | Advisor/Director – TBD
Assistant Director/Set Construction - TBD
Meetings: Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday 2:15- 4:30 throughout the year (Tech/Actors some- times meet Wed./Fri. 2:15-4:30) in the auditorium.
The E. O. Smith Drama Club aspires to bring the highest level of theatrical experience by involving students in all aspects of mounting productions. The Drama Club typically sponsors a range of shows --senior directed one acts, straight plays, musicals, monologue, showcases, cabarets, staged readings, and/or films. The Drama Club often participates in the annual CDA play festival and/ or monologue competition. Plays are selected from a variety of genres over the course of several years to bring a vibrant theatrical experience to the actors and audience alike. All students are invited to audition and participate in the performances. Singers, musicians, and dancers are also highly sought after to round out a truly successful experience. In addition to actors, we need “behind the scenes” technical people interested in learning lights/sound/set design and construction. Drama Club Set Crew is responsible for providing sets and props for drama productions. They build, repair, and modify set pieces such as flats, furniture, or whatever the director requires for a production. They provide props, often locating them or creating them from scratch. Tech Crew runs sound/lights for productions. Together with the cast, stage manager, and directors, Tech/ Set Crews realize the vision of the play. The Drama Club requires a high level of commitment in order to create a successful production. Members meet frequently after school on the stage when rehearsing for a show.
Drumline | Advisors: Mr. J. Roy
Meetings: Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:30- 4:30 and requires a firm commitment during the fall and winter sports seasons. The Drumline provides an energetic outlet for students interested in the art of drumming to express their creativity. Built on the core beliefs of “Focus. Respect. Have Fun.”, the Drumline requires no previous knowledge of drumming to join as long as you have a mindset that is ready to learn. The Drumline performs numerous times throughout the year, with a major focus on football and basketball games, as well as other E.O. Smith related events.
Environmental and Outdoor Club | Advisor: Ms. E. Sangree, Ms. C. Crouse, & Mrs. M. Smith
Meeting: We plan to meet biweekly (either Mon- days or Thursdays) in room 221. We hope to have at least 2 meetings every month. Each meeting will be from 2:10 to 3:10.
This new club aims to unite students who are eager to make a positive impact on our planet and who crave outdoor adventures, helping E.O. Smith become more aware of environmental issues and how we can lessen our impact on the planet, while simultaneously incorporating outdoor education courses to increase environmental literacy across the school. Our primary goal is to foster environmental stewardship among students while encouraging an active lifestyle in nature. We believe in hands-on learning experiences that empower members to become leaders in sustainability efforts both locally and globally. By engaging in eco-friendly initiatives and out- door activities, we aim to raise awareness about environmental issues and inspire action within our school community.
Film Society | Advisor: Mrs. D. Abercrombie
Meetings: Monthly (on potentially the first Thursday of each month) in the auditorium from roughly 2:15 to 4:30.
This club is a film-viewing and discussion organization. Following the showing of a film a discussion will be held where participants voice their opinions on the film, what their takeaways were, and any other views eager to be let out. The purpose of such activities is to expose students to new films and film styles in order to create not only creative inspiration but also impactful experiences (through narrative art) and discussions on the world or any other relevant issue that may be included in the films. This club is a place for film enthusiasts to enjoy what they love in an after-school community setting (film age rating will of course be taken into consideration and permission slips will be provided if the rating calls for it).
Fencing | Advisor: Mr. J. Ferris
The EOS fencing club is an inclusive community open to all ability levels that combines a focus on physical and mental health and wellness with a strong focus on learning the fundamentals of the sport. The fencing club offers students a unique opportunity to connect with a sport deeply rooted in tradition. Furthermore, it creates a supportive environment where students can share their experiences, support one another, and build lasting friendships. By fostering camaraderie and teamwork, the fencing club not only enhances students’ fencing skills but also provides a space for personal growth and meaningful connections with like-minded peers.
FFA | Advisor: Mr. M. Agnello
The FFA is an intra-curricular part of the Ag pro- gram. There are 700,000 members nationally. The officers meet every week after school and there are monthly FFA meetings. Depending on the year there are 9-10 officer positions. Members participate in contests and Career Development events throughout the year. The national convention is held in the Fall, with locations changing from year to year. To participate in contests, students must be part of the FFA. The FFA organizes several fundraising events throughout the year, as well as community service projects and student after school activities.
GSA | Advisor: Mx.C Lin & Mrs A. Nocton
Meetings: Every other Thursdays (opposite Hu- man Rights Club) after school in room 157.
Members of E.O Smith’s Gender Sexuality Alli- ance strive to achieve a culture of acceptance and diversity on our campus and in the community.
We are dedicated to making E.O. Smith a safe and supportive environment where every student may live authentically. All are welcome to attend our meetings and events.
These include offering educational opportunities for students and staff, arranging guest speakers, sponsoring the Day of Silence, attending conferences, interacting with other GSA organizations, and hosting social activities.